Bobcat makes huge jump over water look so easy – it’s really fascinating

Nature is wondrous and its animal kingdom always finds new ways to entertain and fascinate us. A light-footed bobcat makes a long jump over water and lands onto the next pile of the collapsed dock on Pecan Island in Louisiana, USA. In a single move, the feline reaches the other side and can be seen composing himself right before the jump.

One man was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time, and he filmed a spectacular scene!

The person filming was in a fishing boat nearby and explained:

“We were just out fishing for blue crab in Pecan Island, LA and this huge bobcat came out across the weir. I grabbed my phone thinking he was about to get wet, but he surprised us all.”

Laurel Serieys, a wildlife biologist at University of Cape Town and project coordinator at Urban Caracal Project, explains that “bobcats can easily jump several meters”, and in this case, “the bobcat is trying to avoid getting wet, and given what agile athletic animals they are, jumping across the bridge is not too difficult.”

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